.....Steven, born June 22, 1970 is from Scarborough, Ontario. He is the co-lead vocalist in Barenaked Ladies and also plays a Gibson electric guitar. Over the years Steve and Ed Robertson have written most of the songs for BNL, but he has been known to join up with his mentor, Steven Duffy when help is needed with writing. Many people refer to Steve as "the daddy of the group", "the more serious member of the group", but maybe he's just the most intelligent of the group. Steve's lyrics are mind boggling at times. Just when you think you know a song inside, outside and upside down, you find some double or hidden meaning in his words. Then the voice that can carry through any theater un-mic'd, picks you up and takes you somewhere far away. He truly has an outstanding voice and writing abilities that I believe will carry BNL long into the future.
..... On December 28, 1993, Steve married Carolyn Ricketts in Toronto. They currently have one son Issac, who was born the winter of 1997
.....Steve can be reached via email at barenaked1@aol.com |